I know sometimes it seems (even to me) that I need to get off of the topic of "Seeing through Illusions." In 2007 my lecture was published entitled, "Letting Go of Illusion, Engaging Truth: Healing!" I've given a few speeches with "illusion" in the title. I composed and led my singing group, Tribe 1, to record my song, "I Can See Thru Illusion." I wrote that song because in fact, I know that we can see through illusions. In fact, we MUST see through illusion if we are to reach anything close to wellness - anything close to justice - anything close to right-relationship within our society. This essay below that I found today on the On Being site, written by Miguel Clark Mallet does a fabulous job of describing the impact of living under illusion. If it had ended there (though describing "there" is quite a feat in its own right), I would not be sharing it. It is the place that he gets to in his last paragraph. It's w