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Showing posts from 2018

I’ll get WOKE again, right after the Superbowl

I’ll get WOKE again, right after the Superbowl I rarely sit down to write posts that are going to draw criticism from my friends but I find myself perplexed on this morning.   As I’ve scrolled through my FB feed, I am wondering about all the people who stepped out to boycott the NFL this year.   I’m not thinking about those folks who could never stand football or sports (plenty of my friends are in that camp).    And, I’m not particularly troubled to understand those who were clear from the get go that nothing – no CTE findings from autopsies and no ‘take the knee’ movement led by Colin Kaepernick – nothing was going to stop them from watching one second of football.   Those folks, I get. The people that I am having trouble understanding this morning are the ones who’ve enjoyed watching NFL games and even had a favorite team and were so moved as to declare, “I’m out this season.”     I’m focused today on those football fans who decided to sacrifice their


Seeds, seeding, seed-thoughts, sinking down to that seed, working the soil that the seed might break open healthy .  I find that I return to seed imagery again and again as I examine my personal and professional life.  Seeds have always fascinated me and ever moreso once I began to learn some facts about their nature.  For me, a most fascinating fact is that the essential elements of the mature tree or plant are contained within the seed from the start.  Another is that, seeds carry within them many of the necessary nutrients they must consume for healthy growth.  I find it amazing to know just how long many seeds can remain dormant (up to 2000 years!) waiting for conditions that are conducive to germination.  The needed shift in conditions to move from dormancy to budding can be internal to the seed itself or germination might require that external environmental conditions change dramatically.  What does this say about the focus of our work in the world today?  What is here for us