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What a year this has been! ~ a personal update

Some of you know, in quite intimate ways, just how I set out to respond to the calls from our brothers and sisters ~ to respond to The Call ~ that voice that guides from within. I've had my heart broken wide open by the living conditions of many in two cities this year ~ Chester, Pa and New Haven, CT. At the same time, these communities have brought me abundant joy. The ride has been tremendous as I dwell in the living waters of possibility and responsibility.


* With partner, Chester Eastside Ministries (CEM), I ran a Life Skills, Mentoring and Arts Program for youth of the Chester Upland School District

* We co-sponsored and coordinated a Spring event called, Making a Difference which featured speaker, Euware Osayande (

* In April, I traveled with CEM Pastor/Director Rev. Bernice Warren - a fact finding trip to the Bokamoso community in Winterveld, South Africa ( ). We hoped to learn from them, bringing the lessons back to benefit Chester youth.

* We ran another successful Peace, Leadership and the Arts Summer Camp increasing the length by one week.

* The 2011 summer camp confirmed for me the need to further promote inner peace and self-care. This awareness seeded the emerging vision for a year-round space in Chester that would promote radical peace and empowerment. Just as I began to see the vision for this space, my eyes landed on the book, Super Rich by Russell Simmons. Simmons' guidance accompanied me as I began to take steps toward manifesting this vision.

As we move into 2012, the 4 Circles Beyond work in Chester expands. We are now creating the House for Peace and Empowerment. This house - the very one that had been my home for the past 5 years - has a new Caregiver - a dedicated Chester activist. We hope to sponsor activities in this space that will be healing and transformative in Chester.

Many people worry that I feel pulled in too many directions these days. Quite to the contrary. The peace~work in Chester, the community-building work in New Haven, facilitating Beyond Diversity 101 and continuing to produce transformative music with Tribe 1 - it all feels to me like one stream ~ one purpose. My job each day is to extend the willingness to be an instrument for peace, try to release my fear and controlling attachments and seek to answer the call for a transforming re-alignment that returns us ALL to wholeness!


Time4Grace said…
Thank you for your example. Lynda

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